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Become an Official CSA Member today!  It's free and you will recieve an official rank and designation in the CSA.  In the future members will recieve an official CSA patch, newsletter, and more.
Any information you send to the CSA will NEVER be given out to anyone for any reason. 
In the comments section let us know if you would like your name and designation added to the member list page of active CSA members.

Full Name:
E-Mail Address:
What is your hobby or main interest in space exploration?
Add further comments here:

Joining the CSA is free to everyone, however if you would like to help support the CSA with a cash contribution follow the instructions below.

The payment amount is set to us $5.00, but you can contribute any amount that you want. All contributions go directly toward improving and building the CSA. PayPal is a free and easy way to make contributions to the CSA.

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