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CSA Civilian Space Administration.
Thursday, 16 April 2009
News Udate
Topic: News Updates

The new website with a new webhost is coming along nicely if not a little slower than we had planned.  However it is a much smoother cleaner site now and is coming together.  Although not complete yet if you would like to get a taste and feel of what's coming you can access the new site here...  http://space-explorers.t35.com

Feedback is always welcome.  Thank you.


Mr. Hoyt

Founder of the CSA


Posted by CSA; Civilian Space Administration at 11:34 PM PDT
Wednesday, 30 May 2007
News update for Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Topic: News Updates

After analyzing the website and our host Tripod we are planning to move the website to a new host site.  This is mostly due to the popups and banners that tripod is running off of our website.  We know how annoying popups can be. 

We still have areas of the website that do not look right, do not feel right, along with area's that are still not working as we intended.  Examples of this are the message board section for projects as well as the live chat areas.  

Moving to a new web host as well as rebuilding the entire site from scratch should enable us to implement everything the way we have intended for it to be. 

We will continue to post news updates here and once the new site is up and running we will simply link out to the new site from the main page here on Tripod.  

Thank you,

Mr. Hoyt

Founder of the CSA 



Posted by CSA; Civilian Space Administration at 10:17 AM PDT
Tuesday, 29 May 2007
News update for Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Topic: News Updates

News update from the CSA.

This is a breakdown of what the CSA has been up to over the past couple of weeks.

We were doing a logo contest, however due to the low interest in this we went ahead and made one so that we could move on to other projects.  Here is a view of our new logo which will be implemented into everything, and is currently in a trademark pending status: 








We have also created a new banner for advertising and marketing purposes.

We are currently working on an Administrative project that will be a Phase breakdown of our over all specific goal that will lead to a deep space  starship.  This Phase layout will be added to the site upon completion.

We have added a F.A.Q. page to the site.  We will be adding more to this as we get more questions sent to us.

Our website section regarding joining the CSA is going to be revamped with a VOLUNTEER section that will include a much nicer form that can be submitted, as well as a listing of benefits, and information that will allow volunteers to start helping immediately.  Along with that we will be adding a members/volunteers page that will provide information like time in rank.

One question that has come up is, "Why does the CSA use a free webhost?"  Well to answer this, the CSA is about saving money and being as efficient as possible.  We want to reduce space research and exploration costs.  Therefore we want to use whatever we can that is free so that our funds go toward more important things.  Such as:  Our Earth Launch Command Facility, Probe Launcher and Probe development.

Our Phase I - V Time Line Breakdown will provide a full detailed breakdown of facility development, probe launcher development, moon base facility development.  As well as moving forward until we have the Deep Space Starship.  

This is a lot of information but barely scratches the surface regarding what we are currently working on.  There is a lot of things that are currently in development.  

You can expect to see our news updates here increase in order to keep everyone informed of our progress.  In this regard we will be taking down our latest updates section of the website in order to have our blog be the main source of news.

Thank you,

Mr. Hoyt

 Founder of the CSA







Posted by CSA; Civilian Space Administration at 9:42 AM PDT
Thursday, 10 May 2007
News update for Thursday, May 10, 2007
Now Playing: New Planet Gleis 151
Topic: News Updates


The CSA is actively seeking volunteers that are interested in joining our new Project Gleis 151.  This will entail research on the new planet, as well as developing a working probe that would have a launch date of no later than July of 2009.

Unlike other space organizations the CSA's goal is to actively and with extreme prejudice follow up and initiatate probes as quickly as possible in order to investigate new findings. 

Mr. Hoyt

Founder of CSA



Posted by CSA; Civilian Space Administration at 8:34 PM PDT
Friday, 6 April 2007
test for rss feed
Topic: News Updates
<!-- ckey="20D79BC5" -->

Posted by CSA; Civilian Space Administration at 11:56 PM PDT
News update for Friday, April 26, 2007
Topic: News Updates

The CSA website continues to grow, however there is  still much work to do with it. 

Immediate things being worked on right now include:

In process of setting up an online radio station.

In process of putting together a video/audio to help advertise the site using another medium for getting the word out.

In process of adding another project about Magnetic Current as a means to produce an anti-gravity field as a possible propulsion system.

I am disappointed with the current project system functions.  I am working on developing a better method to allow project team members to function better together.  I would like to have this system setup to allow members to upload research materials and information on the fly with a relatively fast and easy system.

We have not yet been able to setup our own server due to a lack of funding contributions.  Having our own server would allow a much easier integration of the type of project research system that I would like to have available for everyone. 

Special thanks to Mr. Perkins for his donation, every contribution helps and moves us a little closer to allowing us to accomplish our goals.

We are seeking volunteers as project team leaders, and seeking volunteers in all area's.  Please visit the website for more details.

Thank you.

Mr. Hoyt











Posted by CSA; Civilian Space Administration at 2:52 PM PDT
Sunday, 18 March 2007
American taxpayer's should know....
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: Blame it on congress

I thought it would be a good idea to convey a little information to everyone regarding the american space program.  Many of you may already be aware of this, however many of you may not be.

The ISS (International Space Station) has cost American taxpayers  100 Billion dollars to build.  The station is due to be completed in 2010, at which time as i've mentioned previously, the NASA shuttles will be mothballed.

Now here's the thing that really got my attention.  From 2010 to 2015 America will have no transportation vehicle to reach LEO (Low Earth Orbit).  This means America will have no way to reach the space station for 5 years.

How about a little comparison... I'm going to sell you this car here for $50,000 and you need to pay all of it up front.  Now you have to understand that once you've payed for this i'm going to loan it to this guy standing over here and let him use it for 5 years.  Maybe at that time you can then have access to use it.


This to me by far has to be one of the biggest blunders in American history!  Alright, well my immediate reaction to this couldn't be expressed here for obvious reasons.  

So what do you think, i'd love to hear your thoughts on this.






Posted by CSA; Civilian Space Administration at 5:05 AM PDT
Friday, 22 September 2006
Thoughts on the Atlantis mission.

Atlantis has landed! A successful mission with an interesting twist after an object was found floating by the shuttle. As some of you may know, the shuttle fleet is due to be scrubbed around 2010. After that NASA is planning on going back to the rockets that heralded the first moon landings. It seems to me that with a minimum of 10 to 15 years of advancement in technology then why in the world is NASA going back to technology from 30 years ago. This does not make sense to me at all!

Four years from now NASA will have, if all goes well, an international space station completed. NASA will be using rockets from 30 years ago, and the shuttle's will be mothballed. We still will not have been back to the moon, which will put us at 40 years with no manned flight back to the moon. Outside of the unmanned probe launches NASA will for all intents and purposes be back to where it was 30 years ago.

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With all the funding that NASA is receiving why is it going backwards? Has NASA become just another government cash cow, loaded with whiners, excuse makers, and waste of tax payers money? It sure looks that way to me!

If your feeling that way as well then take a minute to visit the CSA website at http://civspacead.tripod.com There is a better way. Help fund the CSA by clicking on the ad links located within this blog.

"Let the stars be your guide."

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Posted by CSA; Civilian Space Administration at 6:15 AM PDT
Thoughts on the Atlantis mission.

Atlantis has landed! A successful mission with an interesting twist after an object was found floating by the shuttle. As some of you may know, the shuttle fleet is due to be scrubbed around 2010. After that NASA is planning on going back to the rockets that heralded the first moon landings. It seems to me that with a minimum of 10 to 15 years of advancement in technology then why in the world is NASA going back to technology from 30 years ago. This does not make sense to me at all!

Four years from now NASA will have, if all goes well, an international space station completed. NASA will be using rockets from 30 years ago, and the shuttle's will be mothballed. We still will not have been back to the moon, which will put us at 40 years with no manned flight back to the moon. Outside of the unmanned probe launches NASA will for all intents and purposes be back to where it was 30 years ago.

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With all the funding that NASA is receiving why is it going backwards? Has NASA become just another government cash cow, loaded with whiners, excuse makers, and waste of tax payers money? It sure looks that way to me!

If your feeling that way as well then take a minute to visit the CSA website at http://civspacead.tripod.com There is a better way. Help fund the CSA by clicking on the ad links located within this blog.

"Let the stars be your guide."

Ads by AdGenta.com

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Posted by CSA; Civilian Space Administration at 5:52 AM PDT
Saturday, 16 September 2006
Growing the Civilian Space Administration.

The CSA is a non-profit organization that seeks to increase space exploration at lower cost. It grows and is totally reliant on it's members, with their willingness to donate time, money, and idea's. There is no restriction on becoming a member of the CSA. We hope every single person in the world joins, even alien races are welcome.

For a deeper insight into how the CSA works just visit our website at http://civspacead.tripod.com

You can find out how to become a member, donate, and any other information you might seek. One of our methods for allowing members or non-members to help the CSA grow is by providing links for ads. Simply clicking on the links will generate income for the CSA at no cost to you. Below is an example of one of these ads, take a moment to click on it.

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The CSA will provide meaningful blogs on everything from NASA's ongoing work to world crisis.

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Posted by CSA; Civilian Space Administration at 2:31 PM PDT
Updated: Saturday, 16 September 2006 3:37 PM PDT

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