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CSA Civilian Space Administration.
Tuesday, 29 May 2007
News update for Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Topic: News Updates

News update from the CSA.

This is a breakdown of what the CSA has been up to over the past couple of weeks.

We were doing a logo contest, however due to the low interest in this we went ahead and made one so that we could move on to other projects.  Here is a view of our new logo which will be implemented into everything, and is currently in a trademark pending status: 








We have also created a new banner for advertising and marketing purposes.

We are currently working on an Administrative project that will be a Phase breakdown of our over all specific goal that will lead to a deep space  starship.  This Phase layout will be added to the site upon completion.

We have added a F.A.Q. page to the site.  We will be adding more to this as we get more questions sent to us.

Our website section regarding joining the CSA is going to be revamped with a VOLUNTEER section that will include a much nicer form that can be submitted, as well as a listing of benefits, and information that will allow volunteers to start helping immediately.  Along with that we will be adding a members/volunteers page that will provide information like time in rank.

One question that has come up is, "Why does the CSA use a free webhost?"  Well to answer this, the CSA is about saving money and being as efficient as possible.  We want to reduce space research and exploration costs.  Therefore we want to use whatever we can that is free so that our funds go toward more important things.  Such as:  Our Earth Launch Command Facility, Probe Launcher and Probe development.

Our Phase I - V Time Line Breakdown will provide a full detailed breakdown of facility development, probe launcher development, moon base facility development.  As well as moving forward until we have the Deep Space Starship.  

This is a lot of information but barely scratches the surface regarding what we are currently working on.  There is a lot of things that are currently in development.  

You can expect to see our news updates here increase in order to keep everyone informed of our progress.  In this regard we will be taking down our latest updates section of the website in order to have our blog be the main source of news.

Thank you,

Mr. Hoyt

 Founder of the CSA







Posted by CSA; Civilian Space Administration at 9:42 AM PDT

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