Topic: News Updates
The CSA website continues to grow, however there is still much work to do with it.
Immediate things being worked on right now include:
In process of setting up an online radio station.
In process of putting together a video/audio to help advertise the site using another medium for getting the word out.
In process of adding another project about Magnetic Current as a means to produce an anti-gravity field as a possible propulsion system.
I am disappointed with the current project system functions. I am working on developing a better method to allow project team members to function better together. I would like to have this system setup to allow members to upload research materials and information on the fly with a relatively fast and easy system.
We have not yet been able to setup our own server due to a lack of funding contributions. Having our own server would allow a much easier integration of the type of project research system that I would like to have available for everyone.
Special thanks to Mr. Perkins for his donation, every contribution helps and moves us a little closer to allowing us to accomplish our goals.
We are seeking volunteers as project team leaders, and seeking volunteers in all area's. Please visit the website for more details.
Thank you.
Mr. Hoyt