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Blame it on congress
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CSA Civilian Space Administration.
Sunday, 18 March 2007
American taxpayer's should know....
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: Blame it on congress

I thought it would be a good idea to convey a little information to everyone regarding the american space program.  Many of you may already be aware of this, however many of you may not be.

The ISS (International Space Station) has cost American taxpayers  100 Billion dollars to build.  The station is due to be completed in 2010, at which time as i've mentioned previously, the NASA shuttles will be mothballed.

Now here's the thing that really got my attention.  From 2010 to 2015 America will have no transportation vehicle to reach LEO (Low Earth Orbit).  This means America will have no way to reach the space station for 5 years.

How about a little comparison... I'm going to sell you this car here for $50,000 and you need to pay all of it up front.  Now you have to understand that once you've payed for this i'm going to loan it to this guy standing over here and let him use it for 5 years.  Maybe at that time you can then have access to use it.


This to me by far has to be one of the biggest blunders in American history!  Alright, well my immediate reaction to this couldn't be expressed here for obvious reasons.  

So what do you think, i'd love to hear your thoughts on this.






Posted by CSA; Civilian Space Administration at 5:05 AM PDT

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