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CSA Civilian Space Administration.
Friday, 22 September 2006
Thoughts on the Atlantis mission.

Atlantis has landed! A successful mission with an interesting twist after an object was found floating by the shuttle. As some of you may know, the shuttle fleet is due to be scrubbed around 2010. After that NASA is planning on going back to the rockets that heralded the first moon landings. It seems to me that with a minimum of 10 to 15 years of advancement in technology then why in the world is NASA going back to technology from 30 years ago. This does not make sense to me at all!

Four years from now NASA will have, if all goes well, an international space station completed. NASA will be using rockets from 30 years ago, and the shuttle's will be mothballed. We still will not have been back to the moon, which will put us at 40 years with no manned flight back to the moon. Outside of the unmanned probe launches NASA will for all intents and purposes be back to where it was 30 years ago.

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With all the funding that NASA is receiving why is it going backwards? Has NASA become just another government cash cow, loaded with whiners, excuse makers, and waste of tax payers money? It sure looks that way to me!

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Posted by CSA; Civilian Space Administration at 5:52 AM PDT

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